
Perfectly clear plugin
Perfectly clear plugin

If you have limited Photoshop knowledge, the plug-in takes care of many image corrections without any prior knowledge. Price at $199 (approximately £125) the software does represent a fair investment, but the results are generally impressive. Perfectly Clear Photoshop Plug-in Verdict Finally, if you have an image with the white-balance not right, the tint removal preset will correct it. The noise image below has the mid-levels chosen. You can amend both the strength and detail, although very little difference is to be noticed when changing these particular settings. If you have an image with lots of noise, the plug-in will also help reduce it. The original portrait picture has plenty of red-eye and, although the skin tone looks OK, when you've put the image through the Perfectly Clear plug-in and amend the skin tone and light diffusion, you get a really good portrait shot with superb skin tones and no red-eye. When you view them large (click on the thumbnails below), the images are clearly sharper and for example, the picture of the Royal Albert Hall, you can see the writing above the door much easier. Each of the levels can be further changed dependent on your preference.įrom the sample pictures it is clear to see that the images are better exposed with colours appearing to have more punch. The first set of images have all be edited using the various presets settings. Perfectly Clear Photoshop Plug-in Performanceīelow are a range of pictures that have been processed using the plug-in.

perfectly clear plugin

If you have certain settings which you prefer you can create your own preset. Dependent on your image, there are five presets for landscape, portrait, noise removal, fix dark and tint removal. The software displays before and after photos can each correction can be manually tweaked. The plug-in works on both 8 bit and 16 bit images within Photoshop, both 32 and 64 bit Operating Systems, on layers, on a selection and with actions. The Perfectly Clear Photoshop Plug-in has 10 patented corrections (see table below) which can be applied in one-simple click. Perfectly Clear Photoshop Plug-in Features There is also a fully-functional 30 day trial available. The software is also available as a Photoshop Plug-in, priced at $199 (approximately £125).

perfectly clear plugin

Back in May 2011, we reviewed the Perfectly Clear iPhone App and were impressed by it's results.

Perfectly clear plugin